11 Jul Universal Home Remote
Universal Home Remote
The single most important component in an up-to-date home entertainment system is the universal home remote. The entire user experience is dependent on how predictable, consistent, and reliable your system is. Amazing 4K video resolution and immersive 7.1 surround sound is meaningless if nothing happens when you push the button.
The old school home entertainment system and home theater would usually include at least 4 or more remote controls. They would pile up on the coffee table or be sucked up by your couch cushions. The modern day high performance media room or dedicated home theater room will usually include the following components: a 4K video projector or flat panel video display, an a/v receiver, a Blue Ray player, a gaming system, a set top cable box, Apple TV or Roku, and the list goes on. If you could have one remote that is custom programmed to operate all of those components and more, your life would be complete. Not only will one universal home remote replace the other six, it will only require one or two button pushes to get your favorite video content or music channel. And this will happen the same way every time you use your video or whole house audio system.
Another fringe benefit is no more aiming of the remote. A properly programmed universal home remote will also communicate to your system components through solid objects. That allows your A/V specialist and custom home entertainment techs to rack up your gear in a closet or even in the mechanical room downstairs.
The price range for a universal home remote that you will love is from $300.00 to $3000.00. The higher the price the more technology can be controlled. This can include lights, motorized shades and curtains, HVAC, security cameras and much more. Also as a final word, the custom programming is not included in the price of the remote and needs to be provided by a highly skilled a/v tech or programmer. The universal home remote control is only as good as it’s programming. A word to the wise, this is not a do-it-yourself process.
If you are considering purchasing or programming a universal home remote, PAC can help, contact us today!